“This is a unique site ideally suited for larger-scale, lower-impact, least-cost renewable energy development that fully aligns with federal land use goals and federal energy goals.” Read the complete story |
PCW news
PCW in the news
A selection of articles available online that reference our project:
Media contact
Members of the media with inquiries about the PCW wind energy project should contact , Director of Communications, 303.299.1395.
Additional links
- PCW brochure (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- BLM site: Chokecherry/Sierra Madre project
- USFWS CCSM Project environmental analysis
- American Clean Power Association news and resources
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It's Time
A video overview of PCW's wind power project is now online.
Watch a DOE video about Rawlins welcoming "Winds of Change."
BLM Phase I Environmental Analysis
From 2013-2016, BLM prepared two site-specific Environmental Assessments, both tiered to the project-wide Environmental Impact Statement completed in 2012. Review our archives of the BLM’s documents: